1984 Christmas Day moment where Bernard ___ of the New York Knicks scored 60 points in a game against the New Jersey Nets Daily Themed Crossword Clue Answer

If you’re looking for the solution to the 1984 Christmas Day moment where Bernard ___ of the New York Knicks scored 60 points in a game against the New Jersey Nets Daily Themed Crossword Clue, you’ve come to the right place. This clue was last seen on the Daily Themed Crossword Puzzle on 24th December 2024. We understand that many players find this clue tricky, so we’ve provided the answer to help you out. You can also explore all the Daily Themed Crossword Answers on our website daily. If you find any errors or missing solutions, feel free to contact us, and we’ll fix them promptly!

Clue: 1984 Christmas Day moment where Bernard ___ of the New York Knicks scored 60 points in a game against the New Jersey Nets
Answer: KING


We hope you’ve found the solution to the 1984 Christmas Day moment where Bernard ___ of the New York Knicks scored 60 points in a game against the New Jersey Nets crossword clue. Don’t forget to check out all the Daily Themed Crossword 24 December 2024 Answers for more clues and solutions!

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